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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Long Time

So I know it has been a while since I blogged and updated everyone on Miss Bailey. (well blog wise anyway- i always post of FB) So, Her 6 month check up was in February and she was 18 lbs and 27 inches long. She is so tall!!! She got more shots and took them like a champ. Her next check up is in May when she is 9 months.
Let me just say that I am amazed at how fast the time has flew by. I know that sounds very cliche, but I never imagined it would really go by this fast. My little baby is not as little as she used to be. 1st of all - she is talking up a storm..."dada" "mama" "gaga" "lala" She doesn't know what these words mean yet, but she talks all the time. She laughs and squeals and is overall a very happy baby. She has her two bottom teeth now and has had them a while. She has started drooling again, but I just checked yesterday and there aren't any top ones yet...She is getting up on all 4s- we are just waiting for her to crawl. really its going to be any day now. I wonder if she will be like her daddy and wait til 8 months (which isn't far away). she has got the roll to get where she wants down though and the backward crawl. She did crawl forward twice...not in the same day...haha. She patty cakes (thanks to Gigi) and loves to listen to people sing.
She still watches Mickey Mouse Clubhouse everyday and was introduced to Barney at Grandma's house and LOVED it. She was just dancing and smiling and laughing. It is so much fun watching her have such a good time. She still sleeps all night...from about 9-10 at night to 6-7 in the morning. she will normally be awake playing and talking for about 30 minutes before we get up to get her. Although we are very lucky to have a sleeping baby, 8 or 9 would be marvelous!!!
She is eating 2-3 meals a day now plus bottles in between. She like the little puffs that dissolve in her mouth...that was fun to learn. She has a sippy cup which we are still in the process of learning...she can drink from it when she is laying down and is getting to where she will tilt her head to get a drink when she is sitting up. we feed her some real food off the table, but not a whole lot yet.
She had her first weekend get-a-way the first weekend in April. She stayed with her Gigi and Papa for the weekend while we went to Texas for a Supercross Race. It was very very hard to leave her. I didn't like it! Although we had fun and we knew she was in good hands, I missed her like crazy and was scared that something was going to happen while I was in another state!!! I didn't like the feeling, but was so happy when we came back to get her and she was happy to see us!
well, until next time...

Monday, January 17, 2011

Okay - pics aren't in order, but this is B 5 minutes before the movie even started!
This is Baileys first picture that she colored on mama's phone!

This is B waiting for the movie to start!!! So this morning I got a coloring ap on my phone and let Bailey go at it! She had fun for a few she didn't know what she was doing! Probably funner for me than her but i saved it anyway (pic #2 if you couldn't tell!)! Then she took a nap while I gt us ready to go to the movies! Yes I said the movies! I took my not quite 5 month old to see Tangled with my friend Bendi and her kiddos in the theater! She did so good! She was happy and in a good mood just waiting for the movie to start (pic #3)! I had everything ready for her too...unbuckled her so she'd be more comfortable and got ready to watch the movie...then Pic # 1 happened about 5 minutes before the movie started! Hers was tired. So She slept for about 30 minutes and then woke up when the horse was being noisy! Then she just sat there and watched the movie! such a good girl! 20 minutes before the end of the movie she started whining so I got up and she immediately stopped. she just wanted to we stood down at the end of the stairs and she watched the rest of the movie! I am so proud of her - she did so good!!! Thanks for the invite, Aunt B!
BTW- the movie was great! so glad I already have it pre-orderedfrom Disney Movie Club!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Munkin's 1st Christmas!

My baby is growing up faster than I want! I guess that is how it works though. It is so fun watching her learn new things. She has been rolling over like crazy although she cant get back to her back when she rolls to her tummy and she gets mad. She is playing and chewing! Her favorite TV show every morning is Mickey Mouse Clubhouse! She just watches it and has so much fun while Jake gets ready for work or I get dressed for the day!
So, Lets talk Christmas! 1st of all- how stinkin cute is she!!!! I loved her Christmas Dress that she wore on Christmas eve and her TEAM SANTA outfit that my mom got her for Christmas Day!!! Super cute! So, we started out at Gigi and Papa's house and opened gifts Christmas Eve. Her big gift was a bouncer!!! It is really cute and REALLY BIG! barely fits in my house =) After gifts there we went to the O'Dell/Brewer family Christmas and ate and opened gifts there. Lots of fun - Bailey ended up falling asleep during presents. Then we went home and ate, set out cookies and milk for Santa in our CHRISTMAS PJs and hurried off to sleep so Santa would come visit!

When she woke up Christmas morning, she got to play with all her gifts! Bailey got Books, dolls, a mirror and more toys! She played for a bit, while Mommy and Daddy got ready and away we went to Grandma's house for Christmas Dinner!!! There we opened more gifts- including super cute clothes and ornaments for her tree. Speaking of ornaments: Thank you everybody who participated in getting her an ornament for her Christmas tree! I love them all and know that she will love them too when she realizes how special they all are!

I love this picture! She has such a personality! Christmas night we went home and had a relaxing evening at home. Naps, dinner and a movie! Thank goodness I didn't have to work that night! I have never had a better Christmas than this one with my own little family! Its an amazing feeling to really really know what Christmas is all about!
PS ~ To everyone who got us gifts for Christmas! Thank you so much! We loved them all!

Top Favorites:
Bailey~All the ornaments- just knowing that when she gets to be my age she will really appreciate those and love them so much
Jake~The willow carving that Jake's dad got him for being a new dad! I just look at it and melt!
Me~ Getting a furlough so I could spend time with my family Christmas night- thanks Santa! =)

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Bailey's Big Day

So, yesterday Bailey had a big day. She got her ears pierced! It wasn't that bad either. Probably cried as much as she does when she gets shots and after about a minute or two to calm down, drank the rest of her bottle and was fine! It was very exciting for her & for me and Aunt Jen. Thank goodness Jen was there to hold eyes welled up just watching. =( But we wanted to do it before she knew where her ears were. She'll never remember it, but she'll have pretty ears =)
Then last night, B went on a date with her Godparents and me & Jake. We went to dinner and then to see Santa!!! We chose to go to the Bass Pro Santa because I am big on the traditional Santa pants and jacket with a white beard...not the fake crap with button up shirts...its just not the same. Anyway, so we get up to Santa and they take her picture with her not even i went to get her from Santa and he told me to go ahead and take a few more with my camera. Really sweet!!! Definitely gonna go back next year too! Then we walked around the canal and looked at all the Christmas lights! They were beautiful! I wish that EVERY tree would have been lit up and more regular decorations, but at the main area by the Sonic and Starbucks and the fountains was gorgeous. It was a lot of fun. B was awake for quite a while and every time we would pass a tree, her eyes would just follow the lights. She loved it!!! It was probably one of the funnest nights we have had with B yet! She looked so pretty last night with her dress, shoes, flower in her hair, and earrings - just beautiful! Definitely a night that her daddy and mommy won't forget!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Bailey is 3 months!!!

So, Bailey turned 3 months on the 19th - and what a great 3 months we have had!!! She weighs 14 lbs and 6 oz. She is just growing like a rose bush! She is so so cute and I just fall more and more in love with her everyday! She has started to amuse herself while I do things around the house. She sleeps through the night about 90% of the time - which makes mommy and daddy real happy! She isn't normally fussy at night anymore. We are about to move up to size 2 diapers...I can't believe she is this big!!!

So, We had our 1st Thanksgiving as a family and it was awesome!!! The most awesome thing about it: Bailey got to meet her Great-Grandma and Grandpa Jones for the first time! It was so exciting! 4 generations in my moms house at one time. I let my mom and grandma take her the day before Thanksgiving while Jake and I went shopping (new couch - beautiful) so that they could spend time with her. I miss my grandma all the time and wish she would move out here so we could spend all the holidays together! Of course, she just loved B and B loved her right back!

We spent Thanksgiving afternoon at Jake's Aunt Tami's house with his side of the family! It was great to see everybody. B was so good...everyone was holding her and playing with her and then she just fell asleep and hung out. After his family we went straight over to my mom's house and spent Thanksgiving evening there with My grandparents, mom, sisters, Aunt Thelma and Uncle Chris, cousins and their kids. It went pretty good considering how many people were in my moms kinda small house. All in all I think Thanksgiving was a broken dish - no broken bones or too bad headaches...yup - a success! After dinner and pumpkin pie...Sisters and Dallas came over to watch a movie at my house! It was so relaxing to the end of an exhausting but awesome day!

Thanksgiving night - B was sitting on the couch and I was in front of her just playing with her...and she laughed for the first time! It was so freaking cute!!! Of course, I yelled for Jake cause he was in the bedroom...we tried and tried- she hasn't done it since. But, her Aunt Jenn witnessed it, so I know I wasn't hearing things! She will soon be laughing up a storm tho!

Also, On the 28th, she started sticking things in her mouth to I am thinking that with all the drooling that has been going on lately, that she will start teething soon. I am really excited that her hands have figured out how to put things in her mouth (which I'm sure I will regret saying later) but it is exciting for right now. I love watching her hit all her milestones.

Jake has been working with B on rolling over...She will do it with his help, but hasn't yet mastered it. I will definitely let you know when she does! Hopefully I will have it on video too!

Okay, So plans for the next few weeks are: She will meet Santa for the First time; She will get her ears pierced; and we might be trying some cereal soon! Milestones Milestones!!!

Okay, I will post some pics later!!!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

She's So Cute!

Halloween!!! Bailey was my Sweet Pea in the Pod!!! We started out at Gigi and Papa's...then went to Grandmommy's and Aunt Jenn's...Then went to see Aunt Sharon and Uncle Dallas and ended the night at Tyler's to visit with T, Aunt Jen and Uncle Heath! Bailey was home and in bed by 9 and mommy and daddy enjoyed her candy! Thanks to everyone who made her 1st Halloween a great one!!!
So, we went to the doctor and B got her vaccinations. Yes I am all about vaccinations. Anyway, she is 24 inches long and weighs 12 lbs 9 oz. My little chunk. But her Aunt Jen and I both thought 15-16 lbs tho! lol. Dr. said she is perfectly healthy and if she keeps on growing like she is then she should be like 5'7 or 5'8! OMG - again the shortest. I'm the shortest of my sisters and friends, May as well be shorter than my daughter! lol

So, my sweet little girl is just amazing. She makes me so happy all the time. I hate going to work and being away from her especially for more than one night in a row. I just miss her so much!

She smiles more and more every day! I think we make her happy too! She loves to play with us. She likes long hair. Gigi will flip her pony tail at her and she just smiles...I wave my hair at her and she smiles and laughs. Well, her laugh is kinda like a cough, but it will turn into a laugh.

She is getting more and more beautiful! I know I'm biased, but seriously!!! She is actually learning to entertain herself. I'm not sure what she looks at, but she just smiles and laughs to herself. She is sitting in her swings and laying on her little play mat with the arches (top pic) and has a ball. She watches cartoons like Dora while I'm getting ready or picking up the house. We read stories every night. Dr. Seuss and Winnie the Pooh and The Very Hungry Caterpillar.

One morning I went into B's room and she was just smiling and cooing and laughing (coughing) to herself. She was having a blast!!! I was standing at the end of her bed and she didn't see me. I just watched her for a few minutes and decided to tell her good morning. so I leaned over the side, said "good morning sun-shine" and she looked straight at me and started crying!!! She has now learned how to play us!!! I thought it was hilarious! I told her that she didn't need to cry because I already planned on getting her out of

We still only wake up like 1 time a night...normally between 4:30 and 6. Last night we actually slept from 9:45-7:00. I consider 7 am or after- sleeping all night. So congrats slept all night!!! Let's see if you keep it up!!!

Note to B:


Hi, it's your mommy! I truly hope that you are enjoying your life with your daddy and me. We just love you so much and cannot imagine our lives without you. I just look at you and thank God that I have you in my life!!! I know that my world is complete with you and your daddy in it. You are an amazingly beautiful baby and I cannot wait to see how you look when you are a toddler and a 5 year old. I bet you are going to be breath-taking!!! Please never forget that your mommy and daddy love you!

Love you mostest grostest!


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

My Bailey is 2 months now!

So as of 10:26 p.m. last night and my baby turned two months old. These last two months have been the happiest of my life. I fall in love with Bailey all over again every time I look at her. She is getting so big. We have her 2 month appointment Thursday and she has to get more shots. It makes me sad to think of more shots. She got poked so many times in the hospital that I just hate for her to get more. We will make it through though and I will update everyone her weight and stuff Thursday.

Jake has been absolutely amazing learning how to be a dad. He is a natural. He loves to play with her and love on her. After he hasn't held her for a while, he just goes and gets her just to look at her. I see them together and my heart just melts. Hearing him crack up at her smiling and cooing just makes me smile! Seeing him as a dad - it's like I'm falling in love with him all over again! (awwe) We've been together 11 years and I still love to love him!

For me, I have started working again, which is hard but nice to finally get a paycheck. It is so hard to leave her at night and then be away from her all day while I'm sleeping. After the st night of working, I figured I would just sleep when B sleeps...Oh that didn't go so good. She slept like 20 minutes at a time and fussed the rest of the time. Needless to say, I was up for 30 hours straight on 3 hours of sleep! I was exhausted and very emotional. I kept telling Bailey that I am a good mom and a really good nurse, but I couldn't do both! Of course, I would choose bailey over work, but life would be HARD! When Jake got home, it was decided that I needed help and had to find a babysitter.

Luckily, I have awesome friends who helped me out tremendously the next few weeks, watching B so I could sleep. During those 2 weeks, I got in touch with my best friends grandma, who runs an in-home daycare. She started there Monday (the 18th) and did great. I am really happy that she is going there because I trust her and I sleep better knowing she is safe.

So, at 2 months, my Bailey is smiling at us and cooing and i swear trying to laugh. She will do this coughing thing with she gets excited. I know that she trying to laugh. She is so happy in the mornings. Her eyes just light up and she is just all smiles and looks around at everything. She is getting so big. She sleeps from about 8:45-7 the next morning and only wakes up once, normally between 3 and 5. It's not bad. I haven't had a full night sleep since I was about 7 months pregnant. I'm getting used to it tho and can totally function on 5 hours of sleep! We read every night before bed.

Okay, this is all for now. I'll be back Thursday to tell you about Dr. appointment and will then post some pics.